Sunday, January 15, 2012

Xi Jinping: Spaceflight dream is the main component of powerful nation dream

Xi Jinping: Spaceflight dream is the main component of powerful nation dream

On June 24, xi Jinping of chairman of chairman of secretary-general of Central Committee of Communist Party of China, state, central the Central Military Commission comes to center of Beijing spaceflight flight cowatch case openerntrol, be in together heavenly palaceBe in together heavenly palaceSmall gainSmall gainThe divine boat that the mission executes inside Hai Sheng of 10 spacefarer Nie, Zhang Xiaoguang, Wang Yaping communicates. Xinhua News Agency is sent (cut screen photograph)

Xi Jinping and god 10 spacefarers heaven and earth communicates: You worked hard! Check schemespring pool

Xi Jinping and god 10 spacefarers heaven and earth communicates: You worked hard!



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Xi Jinping and god 10 spacefarers heaven and earth communicates: You worked hard!

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Xinhua net Beijing on June 24 report (Li Bin of reporter Huo Xiaoguang) electric wave flies a heaven and earth, dreamy distant ship flies high. Xi Jinping of chairman of chairman of secretary-general of Central Committee of Communist Party of free modern dining chairsChina, state, central the Central Military Commission comes to center of Beijing spaceflight flight control the best selling watch cases24 days morning, be in together the divine boat that heavenly palace executes the mission one number Hai Sheng of 10 spacefarer Nie, Zhang Xiaoguang, Wang Yaping is kind communicate, represent the Party Central Committee, the State Council, central the Central Military Commission, represent a the people of all nations, express to express sympathy and solicitude for cordially to 3 spacefarers.

10 airship launched divine boat on June 11 since entering the space, xi Jinping cares 3 spacefarers of executive task very. Before airship blasts off, xi Jinping indicates concerned respect technically, must let a spacefarer eat in aerospace on zhongzi, crosthe most popular selling norton internet antiviruss a dragon boat festival that has special sense. This Xi Jinping communicates on a special trip, cheer bosomy interest for the spacefarer, raise be on the tiptoe of expectation to them.

8 when make 30 minutes, xi Jinping reachs center of Beijing spaceflight flight control. He listened to heavenly palace circumstance of progress of job of 10 i want modern dining chairsflights holding a person introduces date and one divine boat, each positive result that has obtained to the task expresses affirmation.

8 when 38 minutes, heavenly palace with divine boat one number 10 assembly in the sky are moving in the motherland. Xi Jinping goes to fly before accusing the hall to direct banquet, take mike to communicate with the spacefarer. Secretary-general face brings a smile, looking attentively at fly dominate the hall giant electronic screen. There is heavenly palace clearly on screen a real time picture inside. 3 spacefarer stations become, bouncy, expression nature.

modern dining chairsXi Jinping: Hai Sheng, Xiao Guang, inferior smooth, you worked hard. The people of the whole country is looking attentively at move, care to wear now you. I represent the Party Central Committee, the State Council, central the Central Military Commission, represent a the people of all nations, pay to you express sympathy and solicitude for cordially!

Nie Haisheng: Thank chairman of be used to, thank the people of the whole country!

Xi Jinping: You enter space job to live to had had 13 days, all of us very care. You now summer condition how? Body state how? Does the job make progress how?

Nie Haisheng: Thank the consideration of chairman of be used to! I and dawn light, inferior smooth body state is first-rate, each job undertakes by the plan. Can dream to contribute force to realizwatch casese the spaceflight of the Chinese nation, we feel special to pride is mixed proud!

Xi Jinping: Very good. Spaceflight dream is the main component of powerful nation dream. Develop quickly as Chinese spaceflight career, the footstep of Chinese exploration aerospace can be stridden more greatly, farther. I should ask, xiao Guang, inferior smooth, you enter outer space for the first time, do you feel each respect suits?

Zhang Xiaoguang: Chairman of report be used to, in aerospace we are very fast in 13 days of lives got used to weightlessness environment, progress of dimensional science experiment is very great, we make persistent efforts certainly, finish follow-up job satisfactorily.

Wang Yaping: Our food is very normal, can rest everyday 78 hours. I still became aerospace teacher, the best selling modern dining chairsdemonstrated the physical phenomenon below condition of a few weightlessness to countrywide adolescent, also be to me rise and learn.

Xi Jinping: See you each side position is so good, we very be at ease. A few days ago, you give birth to held aerospace to give lessons for countrywide middle and primary school very significant, according free norton internet antivirusto me understanding has 80 thousand schools 60 million students attended to give lessons this activity, the scientific to fosteribrass faucet aerator ng them to advocate, interest that probes cosmic mystery, regular meeting has very good effect. This manned space flight, body revealed the take the bull by the horns, volition quality that is brave in to explore on your body, this kind of precious volition character is enlightenment and encouragement to the people the most popular watch casesof the whole country. Hope you cooperate elaborate operation, closely, finish follow-up job satisfactorily! Everybody is looking forward to your victory to return, I await you in Beijing!

Nie Haisheng: We remember directive of chairman of be used to well certainly, finish the job stoutly. Review the chairman is at ease please, ask the people of the whole country to be at ease.

"With high respect! " the countersign as Nie Haisheng, 3 spacefarers are earnest the ground to chairman of be used to, to ceremony of march of the people of the whole country. Fly accuse the enthusiastic applause since the noise in the hall.

Communicate after the end, xi Jinping will fly accuse hall staff member among, commensurate home one by one handclasp, pay a greeting.

Letter of challenge of Ma Kai, Liu Yandong, Fan Changlong, chestnut, zhang Youxia of committee member of central the Central Military Commission attends communicate activity.

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